Saturday, January 31, 2009

Home again, Home again

 I guess we should have updated this already...Berkeley got to come home from the hospital almost 2 weeks ago! Brighton is especially happy to have her home. She wakes up each morning saying, "I want to see my sister!" and then countless times throughout the day says, "I love my sister!" Berkeley has her own personal cheerleader. I feel like that is such a gift from God.
The doctors want her to have plenty of time to fully recover from pneumonia, so they would like to schedule her heart surgery for early March. We'll have a date within a few weeks. I'm ready to get that over with, but at the same time it makes me nervous. Now that Berkeley is a little older and began to smile, laugh, and coo, I feel like I know her so much better now...which makes it harder to think of her having open-heart surgery. But I'm still happy that her heart problem is fixable!
MANY THANKS to those of you who prayed, visited, brought food, or encouraged us in other ways. We are amazed by the wonderful people the Lord has put in our lives!
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Billy and Veva Foster said...

I just love the blog and the pics of course. I'm new at this and messed up in becoming a follower and now can't edit my display name. Help?
You are all in our prayers daily.

Jen said...


My name is Jen and I have been searching for some new blogging buddies. I came across your blog, and you look fun and just my type. If you have room in your heart for a new and somewhat lonely thritysomething mom to 2, stepmom to 3 then I am your gal.... check out my blog and leave me a comment if you get a chance,
I am probably moving out to Fayetteville in the next few months and would love to make some new friends!

I hope to get to know you soon!