The Smiths are officially relocated. It has been a pretty wild ride, and it's not really over yet, but we're functionally settled in our new house and getting the hang of living in Fayetteville.
Here are a few things that have changed for us:
1.Church on Sunday morning...that's weird! It turns out that doing something consistently for 8 years can be habit forming. We felt a little restless on our first Saturday night here...missing Restoration Community Church...we loaded up the whole family and went to the mall, of all places! The next day it just didn't feel natural to wake up early for church. The 9:30 service at potential church #1 slipped by with us still in bed...followed by the 10:15 service at potential church #2...but we finally rallied the troops and made it [30 minutes late] to an 11:00 service. After all that effort, we thought we'd try out a local restaurant (Fayetteville has some really great local places). After driving to four different places, and finding them all closed because it was Sunday, we ended up at a little place called Chili's. Anyone heard of it? ;)
2.Berkeley switched to sleeping in the toddler bed. The first night, she slept in the bed the whole night. Hooray for Berkeley! The second night, she slept in...the hallway. No one quite knows what happened there.
3. 1° Fahrenheit...nuf said.
Here are some pictures from the last couple of months...some from Texas, and some from Arkansas, including a few of the new house (yet to be properly decorated, you understand!):