Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grammy!

Happy Birthday to our grammies...Ginger Cotton (April 19th) and Donna Johnson (April 20th)!
We love you!
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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Princess Night

Theme nights have become a semi-regular occurrence at the Smith house. Last night while Sean was at church, the girls celebrated Princess Night! Brighton wanted to be a ladybug princess, Berkeley got to be the bumble bee princess, and I was the butterfly princess (until bumble bee spit up on my tutu!). We played princess memory cards, read princess books, ate princess-y snacks, watched the Little Mermaid (who was actually a princess, in case you never noticed), and took her dressed up bears on a princess parade in the backyard. When Sean came home from church, he brought us a princess dessert - coke floats in princess cups!